Friday, April 8, 2011

Problems with Google Translate

      Google is well known for being a wonderful search engine. It is also something people use to translate different languages. What most people don't know is that Google Translate isn't a good translator what so ever. It doesn’t accurately translate anything unless its translating the language back to the same language. One way to test that theory is you can type something into Google Translate and then reverse it back to the original language and you will see it change the words and the meaning of what you originally typed in. you probably shouldn’t trust this program to do your work with or it will probably end badly for you. Unless of course you get lucky and it actually translates the thing right but it’s not easy to know when it will do that. Also if you’re using a translator then that most likely means you don’t know how to speak the language that you are looking up so you wouldn’t know whether it’s right or wrong. For all you know you could have been saying “the file is on the left counter” and it comes out as “I’m going to kill you tomorrow.” Now that’s kind of extreme and I don’t actually think it fails that bad but I’m not sure it might for all I know. All I do know about Google Translate is that it’s not accurate. Now if you wish to risk it and try to make a project using Google Translate and it comes out wrong and you end up failing or getting fired because of it that’s your own choice and I won’t stop you. I can’t stop you from making a mistake but you would probably be better off going on to Google and searching for a translator and use that. More inconvenient but probably more accurate.


  1. Google translator is still under a lot of maintenence and it's quite possible that words in a different language could be similar and the translator only made a small error. This could easily cause it to make an extreme change in a sentence or a minor one,depending on what you wrote.

    Lucky for me my name translates perfectly in Japanese :D

  2. Not everyone is as lucky as you take me for example, my name in Japanese comes out to be Shonrife.
