Wednesday, March 9, 2011


                The proper mixture of blood and gore with a great story line seems to have faded away. It doesn’t seem possible for a story or movie to have before at the same time. Would you be surprised if I told you I found a story that combines these two elements with success? Well I’m here to tell you I have. It’s called Demonata and it’s a non-stop thrill ride that will make you keep reading till the very end. With several plot twist that will make you wonder just how this story will end. It has 3 main characters within the pages of the books. It takes the first 2 and the fourth book to explain just who these people are and where (and when) they come from. Each holds a piece to each other’s fate. This book series was artistically done. Not once have I come across a book series quite like it before nor do I think I ever will again unless it is written by Darren Shan, the man who wrote these awesome books. If you’re in to the whole magic thing with deadly creatures that will try to rip your face off and eat it every chance they get this just might be the thing for you. It holds a real world sort of thing and it shows what could be possible but impossible to know for sure since people are so closed minded. All and all I suggest the horror fan to read this book series and be ready for a thrill ride. I give this book series a good review of 4 out of 5 since it can get confusing fairly easy. I have not been paid to say any of this or threatened. I come out and say this as my own free will.


  1. A good book? That's pretty rare these days; possibly even as rare as a good musician. I'll consider checking out the book when I finish the current books that I'm reading. Honestly, I've got to say that I'm happy to have found someone who knows of a book with actual horror in it.

  2. The first book is named The Demonata, Lord Loss. You can find it at your public library.
