Thursday, April 21, 2011


Throughout the course of this blog I have learned much. I never liked blogging and that has not changed. Each time we had to sit down and write on this it was torture. But this is the final one that I shall be writing so I am thankful for that. I learned something’s about the author I was writing about but wasn’t able to find a way to incorporate it into the blog. For example I found out that Darren Shan is just a pen name and that his last name is an Irish name that I can’t spell for the life of me. I did not learn about this information till a few post ago when it was too late to post it. Also I learned what his first novel was he wrote and found it in my school library but sadly I can’t remember the title of the book. It seems I’m having a lot of trouble remember things this week. Well all and all I choose a bad topic and I had trouble researching it because it bored me to no end and I am just thankful that this is the last and I never have to write another blog again…I hope. My suggestions for when you write a blog are make sure you blog a topic your actually care to research and one that interest you and not something you think will be easy and be able to knock out. Then again if you’re doing this for pleasure and not a school assignment (only reason I’m doing this) then you probably around knew this. And another thing when doing a blog (for pleasure or not) make sure that your typing is easily readable and not something most people have to strain to read. If people can’t read your blog then your just wasn’t your time in writing them. Blogs are to pass information on to another person not to confuse them with strange typing. But then again if your blog is on how to confuse someone by writing a blog then you could write in a way that confuses people but then it would still defeat the purpose of writing your blog. Anyway I still suggest you read books by Darren Shan they will keep you wanting more and more (if you enjoy those kinds of books and if you enjoy reading). I’m not sure if I said this earlier but 3 of Darren Shan’s books has became a movie but if you read those books then it will ruin the movie. It’s from his Cirque Du Freak books 1-3 and they are wrapped up into one movie. They are so different if you watch the movie then you don’t know pretty much anything that happens in the books.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Problems with Google Translate

      Google is well known for being a wonderful search engine. It is also something people use to translate different languages. What most people don't know is that Google Translate isn't a good translator what so ever. It doesn’t accurately translate anything unless its translating the language back to the same language. One way to test that theory is you can type something into Google Translate and then reverse it back to the original language and you will see it change the words and the meaning of what you originally typed in. you probably shouldn’t trust this program to do your work with or it will probably end badly for you. Unless of course you get lucky and it actually translates the thing right but it’s not easy to know when it will do that. Also if you’re using a translator then that most likely means you don’t know how to speak the language that you are looking up so you wouldn’t know whether it’s right or wrong. For all you know you could have been saying “the file is on the left counter” and it comes out as “I’m going to kill you tomorrow.” Now that’s kind of extreme and I don’t actually think it fails that bad but I’m not sure it might for all I know. All I do know about Google Translate is that it’s not accurate. Now if you wish to risk it and try to make a project using Google Translate and it comes out wrong and you end up failing or getting fired because of it that’s your own choice and I won’t stop you. I can’t stop you from making a mistake but you would probably be better off going on to Google and searching for a translator and use that. More inconvenient but probably more accurate.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Thin Executioner or Demonata

              The Thin Executioner is one book that takes you on a journey in the past. It doesn’t tell you what time period or where it takes place at unless you count places you probably have never heard of. At least in Demonata you know where it takes place most of the time. The Thin Executioner is a quick read with just under 500 pages. It’s good if you’re looking for a book that would last you the weekend but if you’re looking for a long term read then I suggest Demonata though I do recommend you read The Thin Executioner since it was a good book. Demonata can be confusing when going on to the next book since it jumps back and forth between 3 main characters and is jumping back and forth in time. The Thin Executioner is pretty straight forward. It takes some time to start to understand both books since The Thin Executioner throws you straight into the action and though Demonata takes it slow because it throws you from main character to main character without warning. One minute your reading about someone named Grubbs then your reading and Kernel then back to Grubbs then to some girl named Bec. It’s just very confusing. At least The Thin Executioner keeps you with one main character. You just can’t lose focus in the book for 2 pages or you will be incredibly lost and have to read the entire chapter over again just to figure out where you got lost at.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


        I have interview two people for this post. It was easy to find since I used my brother (the person who showed me the books Cirque Du Freak) and Shane Scott (the person who showed me Demonata). I asked them both six questions.

        My brothers interview when like this;
Me: You have read some of Darren Shan's books, correct?
Andy (my brother): Yes, I read the Cirque Du Freak series by Darren Shan.
Me: What did you think of them?
Andy: I found them highly entertaining.
Me: What is your favorite book by Darren Shan?
Andy: The 6th Cirque Du Freak book, The Vampire Prince.
Me: Why is that one your favorite?
Andy: I found it the most entertaining out of all of them.
Me: What do you think the key elements in his stories are?
Andy: I think the key elements in his story were the settings.
Me: Thank you for this time and do you have any farther comments?
Andy: no I have no farther comments.

        Shane’s interview went like this;
Me: You have read some of Darren Shan's books, correct?
Shane: Yes, I have read Demonata series by Darren Shan.
Me: What did you think of them?
Shane: I enjoyed reading them.
Me: What is your favorite book by Darren Shan?
Shane: My favorite book is the 7th Demonata book, Deaths Shadow.
Me: Why is that one your favorite?
Shane: I enjoy it the most out of any other book I read by him.
Me: What do you think the key elements in his stories are?
Shane: I think the key elements are the pictures it paints in your mind.
Me: Thank you for this time and do you have any farther comments?
Shane: I have no farther comments I would like to make at this time.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


                The proper mixture of blood and gore with a great story line seems to have faded away. It doesn’t seem possible for a story or movie to have before at the same time. Would you be surprised if I told you I found a story that combines these two elements with success? Well I’m here to tell you I have. It’s called Demonata and it’s a non-stop thrill ride that will make you keep reading till the very end. With several plot twist that will make you wonder just how this story will end. It has 3 main characters within the pages of the books. It takes the first 2 and the fourth book to explain just who these people are and where (and when) they come from. Each holds a piece to each other’s fate. This book series was artistically done. Not once have I come across a book series quite like it before nor do I think I ever will again unless it is written by Darren Shan, the man who wrote these awesome books. If you’re in to the whole magic thing with deadly creatures that will try to rip your face off and eat it every chance they get this just might be the thing for you. It holds a real world sort of thing and it shows what could be possible but impossible to know for sure since people are so closed minded. All and all I suggest the horror fan to read this book series and be ready for a thrill ride. I give this book series a good review of 4 out of 5 since it can get confusing fairly easy. I have not been paid to say any of this or threatened. I come out and say this as my own free will.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Compare and contrast Cirque Du Freak and Demonata

There is a big difference between Demonata and Cirque Du Freak. For starters, Cirque Du Freak is about vampires, which is just like the major thing everyone wants to read since Twilight came out. By the way, I don’t think Twilight is even about a vampire it sounds more like it’s about a fairy but that’s just my opinion. Although Cirque Du Freak seems more about vampires then Twilight since just like a fad and you shouldn’t read books because they are fads, you should read them because you enjoy them. Demonata is a breed of its own, not some bandwagon or big hyped thing. Its about demons that are magically (I know that sounds really weird and probably stupid but it works somehow). It’s a gruesome story that gives you very vivid images. Cirque Du Freak is more of a children’s tale. It does give some vivid images but not many and aren’t that gruesome. To me I think Demonata had the right amount of gruesome images to send a mind into its darker regions. The books are all about 200 pages so they are pretty short reads but in Cirque Du Freak there is 12 books whereas Demonata has only 10. If your looking to kill more time I would suggest reading Cirque Du Freak but if your looking for more entertaining I would suggest Demonata. Cirque Du Freak uses more of a child’s reading element whereas Demonata uses a more teenage approach. Either way they are both good reads. If you’re faint of heart probably should stay away from Demonata and go for Cirque Du Freak. Although my favorite out of the two book series is Demonata rather then Cirque Du Freak but that’s just me.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Read

This blog is for me to teach how to read. Now you might be thinking that if I am reading this blog then why would you have to teach me how to read. That is easily answered, I am not teaching you how to read just anything, no I am teaching you how to read one of these books. These can’t be read just like any other, they must be given justice to why they were written. They are meant to scare and gross out the reader, not to make them feel all warm and fuzzy inside (granted if you’re twisted like me, you might feel all warm and fuzzy inside when reading “Blood was dripping from the webs strung around my parent’s room and the smell of death was heavy in my lungs.” – excerpt from book 1 of Demonata, Lord Loss.) These books must be read at the darkest time of the night in the woods where it is pitch black and paranoia is gripping at your very soul. The only light is a small flash light you brought with you to see the letters on the page. Be alone in the dark so ever sound you hear will make you want to run, but you can’t run, no you must stay there and read. Read until you can’t take it anymore. That is how you read these books, that is how you give them justice. To not give these books justice would be an insult to the writer who had worked so hard to write these books. People complain too much that nothing is scary anymore well then you can’t expect a book or a movie to do all the work, you must help out and put your self into a scared mind set. One that will make you live the book, not just read it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


                Darren Shan is an author of the book series Cirque Du Freak and Demonata. It is a horror genre made to creep and gross the readers out. In the Cirque Du Freak series there are a total of 12 books plus a spinoff book series and a graphic novel series. The Cirque Du Freak series is probably the best selling series Darren Shan has written so far. Demonata has only 10 books in it and isn’t as widely known.
                In my opinion Demonata was 10 times better then the Cirque Du Freak. I think the only reason the Cirque Du Freak is such a hit is because it’s about vampires and currently vampires are the now the thing everyone wants to know about. Darren recently started a new series which the first book is titled The Thin Executioner. I don’t know if that will be the series name or if it’s just the first book. Honestly I’m not even sure if it will be a series but I’m just guessing since all of his other books he has written that I know of have been a series. I have not had the pleasure of reading The Thin Executioner yet so I have no information that is not a guess as of now but I hope to have read it by the start of next week.
                The spinoff of Cirque Du Freak has only one book out so far since Darren has just started it and I have only read a couple of pages. The graphic novel I don’t know anything about nor will I anytime soon, I don’t read graphic novels all that much. Also I think the graphic novel is just the original story with pictures so you could be lazy and not have to read all of the details and just look at the pictures.